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5 Steps to Become the Best Version of Yourself

To become the best version of yourself is a learning process, like learning any new skill. The more time and effort you put into learning and understanding yourself, the more you will know who you are to help make great decisions to become the best version of yourself. Discover the 3 steps to help you become the best version of yourself.

Step 1: Learn

You want to learn more about human potential, because you are a human being. You will learn more of what you are capable of. Often, you will not know what you are capable of until you learn that you have the ability to do so, through learning and understanding the human potential inside yourself. There are many things that you are capable of doing, but you are not yet aware of those things because those strengths might not be as strong yet. You have the same abilities as others, but for those abilities to become stronger, you have to use them. Every skill, strength, and talent you have within you starts out weak. Only when you learn on how to apply those skills is when they become stronger. The more you learn and apply your strengths and abilities, the more you will understand which strengths are the ones that are helping you make better decisions on what you should do in order to become the best version of yourself.

Learn more about life, because you are a part of life. You should learn to understand what life is. Understand why you exist in the world. Understand what the purpose of being alive is. Learn on what you can and cannot control. If you try to control what you cannot control, then you will never get the results you want. You also want to learn more about happiness, meaning, and purpose. Those are the positive qualities that we, as human beings, want to experience in life. If you do not have a clear understanding on what those positive qualities are, then it would be difficult for you to know what kind of action steps you should take to become successful.

You should learn as many different things as possible and meet as many different types of people as possible. Each thing, activity, and person will teach you different things to help you understand yourself better.

Step 2: Apply

The moment you learn something new about human potential, life, and yourself, take immediate action to test it out. Knowing is one thing, but applying is another thing. The only way for you to know if something will truly benefit you, is through application, or testing it out. After you applied something, re-evaluate your outcome. If you have a positive outcome, see what your strengths are. Then, see what kind of knowledge and skills you would need to learn to grow your strengths. See how you can use your strengths again in the future and in other areas of life.

If you have a negative outcome, see the reasons why you failed, which is also considered your weaknesses. See what kind of knowledge and skills you would need to learn to have a better experience in the future. When you learn new knowledge and skills to overcome your mistakes and failure, you are also learning new knowledge and skills to grow your strengths as well.

Step 3: Repeat

After you have discovered what you need to learn to grow your strengths and weaknesses, then you want to repeat the process of learning. Once you learned something new again, start applying it again. You need to repeat the cycle of learning and applying. The more you learn and apply, the more you will have a better understanding of yourself to become the best version of yourself.

You want to see which strengths best represent you as a person. Then, use those strengths as much as possible to help you become the best version of yourself. For your weaknesses, you want to learn ways to help you manage your weaknesses so they will not take control over you so you can stay focus on applying your strengths.

Below are the layout steps to learn and apply:

  1. Learn about human potential and life. Learn as many things as possible. Learn from as many different types of people as possible.

  2. Take action on what you have learned in step one.

  3. Evaluate the outcome. If it is a positive outcome, what strengths did you use? If it was a negative outcome, remember that you did not fail, but also remember what knowledge and skills did you lack?

  4. From your positive outcome, you want to see what kind of new knowledge and skills you can learn to make your strengths stronger. From your negative outcome, what kind of new knowledge and skills do you need to learn to overcome your mistakes to have a better outcome in the future?

  5. Repeat the process of learning and applying.

4. Be clear and confidence Be clear and confident when you take your action steps. Believe in your action steps that they will give you the outcome you desire. First, be clear on why you are taking the action step. You want to ask yourself, how is your action step helping you grow your strengths or improve your weaknesses? How are your action steps helping you to experience more happiness, meaning, and purpose? How are these action steps helping you to become a better and strong version of yourself? Second, be confident with your action steps. When you are confident, you tend to have more motivation to put in more time and effort to make your action steps successful. Sometimes you might take the right action steps, but if you do not put in the right amount of time and effort, then you would not have a clear outcome to teach yourself exactly what you would need to grow, learn, and apply. Even if you had a negative outcome, your mistake could teach you clearly on what you would need to learn to improve. The key is to have experiences that can teach you clearly on what you need to learn to become a better version of yourself. However, if you have experiences that do not clearly show you what you need to learn to improve yourself, then how can you know what you would need to learn to improve? Make sure you are clear and confident with your action steps.

5. Lifelong journey and process You must understand that to become the best version of yourself is a lifelong process and journey. As a human being, you are not perfect, which means you will never be able to understand yourself 100%. This means there will always be something that you can learn and improve your strengths and weaknesses to become a better version of yourself. You must understand that to have a good understanding about yourself, requires time and effort like any other success. Understand that success does not manifest overnight, but through daily learning and applying, little by little. You must understand that becoming the best version of yourself is not about knowing all the answers or having positive outcomes all the time, but having the will and ability to learn and apply your knowledge and skills in the present moment. Whatever you believe is good for you in the present moment, you must take immediate action to test it out. Whatever the outcome is, positive or negative, you can learn to improve from there, to make better decisions in the future. When you take action in what you believe is right for you in the present moment, you are being the best version of yourself. When you are constantly learning, applying, and growing daily, you will transform into an incredible person, the best version of yourself.


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